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4 years ago
your body is hot and full of gorg...
3 years ago
She looks like my next door neighbor wife. The other day I was home by myself and she came over and ask me to have sex with her because her husband is at work and she needs to get laid so I took her to are bedroom and she got naked and I got naked and jumped in bed with her and asked her what she wants me to due so i did what I normally due to my wife and started by kissing her and made my way down to her brest and suck on her brest then spread her legs apart and went down to her pussy were I lick her pussy and she told me her husband doesn't lick her pussy before and I got her all wet and slowly put my cock in her without a rubber and I was fucking her when I felt myself self to cum and I was getting ready to pull it out when she told me to cum inside her pussy because she loves when her husband cum in her so I did and it felt good because my wife pussy doesn't feel good anymore so we been fuck buddy for about 5 months now
2 years ago
Very Beautiful!
2 years ago
Ate before 7
1 year ago
Beautiful lady
0 years ago
I’d give her $50 bucks to fart over the phone
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