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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    How can an alleged ex cop know so little about guns? Assault weapons, sometimes known as "long guns"
    are much more powerful than hand guns, more accurate, and specifically designed to kill or wound just as many humans as possible just as quickly as possible. Handguns with their much shorter barrels are only accurate for short distances, less powerful, and require at least some level of skill and/or practice to hit the target.

    That is why when there is a mas shooting its very easy to tell if the shooter had an assault weapon or a handgun just by the number of those killed and wounded. In the example above there was one killed and three wounded. When if he had as assault weapon with an extended magazine even firing from a scooter with one hand those numbers would have been much higher.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. toniter
      Why do we have to cover the same ground over and over and over? We go around and around. We've discussed handguns v. rifles....
      toniter, Jul 11, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
    2. anon_de_plume
      It's what American politics is all about. They keep certain topics as election talking points (immigration, guns, taxes... Etc...), But never really do anything to fix them, for the whole reason that they were going to continue to use that issue as an election wedge issues.

      They don't want to fix these problems, they're what gets them reelected!
      anon_de_plume, Jul 12, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
    3. stumbler
      You would have to ask the alleged ex cop fair haired boy. All I did was respond to his questions. And then proved he is quite ignorant about guns.
      stumbler, Jul 24, 2023
      toniter likes this.
  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, actually, Shooter knows a lot about guns.
    We learned it in the police academy.
    Yes indeed, handguns are not nearly as accurate as a long gun at distance, say over 25 feet.
    Some handguns, excepting the distance limitations, are as deadly as a long gun.
    See, it doesn't much matter if one is hit center mass by a .44 calibre round from a handgun or a .44 calibre round from a long gun.
    There are indeed different possibilities with loads and what not, but the differences are without much distinction. The target is just as dead, eh?

    Now. We can argue all day about how a handgun is easier to conceal, and look into how many mass shootings are close range and at distance, and all the other bullshit.
    The bottom line though is that the yammering to ban "assault rifles" because they are "rapid fire" while ignoring handguns exposes the fact that these gun bans are based on emotion, not fact.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. toniter
      It's hard to keep emotion out of the discussion when it is noted that the number one cause of death in children is firearm related. It is also hard to keep emotion out of the discussion after watching the carnage after a mass shooting on tv with regularity. The facts produce the emotions.
      toniter, Jul 12, 2023
      stumbler likes this.
    2. stumbler
      @shootersa this is not the first time you have prone you know very little about guns.

      But since you brought it up what side arm did you train with and what side arm did you carry on duty?
      stumbler, Jul 12, 2023
    3. shootersa
      .38 Smith,
      Remington pump, later the colt .45.
      The department mandated what was carried, including what loads.

      Now what, you gonna tell everyone its a lie, or how that doesn't qualify somehow, or are you just going to "editorialize"?
      shootersa, Jul 13, 2023
    4. stumbler
      You already proved it a lie yourself. Which I will demonstrate.
      stumbler, Jul 13, 2023
    5. shootersa
      We can hardly wait.
      shootersa, Jul 13, 2023
  3. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    But you see, that's exactly when emotion has to be checked.
    When Shooter arrested the drunken scum who murdered an innocent teenaged girl by running into her with his jacked up 4 wheel drive and scattered her body parts for almost a block, then bitched about being arrested, Shooter checked his emotions at the door.
    Why not kick the fuckers ass all around a holding cell?
    Why not just shoot that fucker?

    Because justice wouldn't be served by Shooter. Not his place. Shooter could do his damn job and follow the law, or he could get his personal revenge and the fucker would walk free.

    The more emotional you get over an issue, the more you are going to end up fucking it over.
    You can see that, can't you?
    1. anon_de_plume
      Or was it the assault changed that would follow? Or maybe shooter talks bigger than he actually is?
      anon_de_plume, Jul 12, 2023
    2. stumbler
      Once again this from the obsessive/compulsive post stalker that gets suspended every few weeks for name calling and personal attacks.
      stumbler, Jul 12, 2023
  4. toniter

    toniter No Limits

    Jan 17, 2011
    That isn't an equivelant situation of emotion affecting your decision, although it is the correct response to the treatment of the drunk driver. Consider the outlawing of germ and chemical warfare. This was a decision based on the emotional response to the grotesque suffering and death and collateral killing of civilians. Assault rifles used in killing elicit the same disgust for the weapon as well as the killer.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    You're entitled to believe that if it makes you feel better.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Its not a question of feeling better. You provide a multitude of reasons not to believe yo9u
  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Job done.

  8. Needs it all

    Needs it all Porno Junky

    Dec 23, 2022
    Dismissed LOL
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    You claimed to have trained and carried a .38 Special but accurate at 25 FEET sounds more like you trained with .22 derringers or Saturday Night Specials. Even short barreled handguns are accurate at 25 YARDS and your .38 Special would be accurate up to at least 50 YARDS if you can hold it steady enough. In fact my best pistol shot was shooting a Sage Chicken int he neck for my grandmother at close to 50 YARDS with a Snub Nosed .38. But that was only accomplished by me laying so deep in a big Sage Brush for a steady rest all I really had to touch was the trigger. So once again its quite obvious how little you know about guns.

    And then here you are again with your favorite dishonest trick trying to put your words in my mouth arguing things I never said because its something you can deal with instead of what I actually said. I never said assault weapons being semi automatic has anything to do with why assault weapons and extended magazines should be banned.

    Assault weapons should be banned because they are patterned after military assault weapons that are specifically designed to kill and wound just as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Including the rounds they fire. Handgun rounds, in fact just about all other rounds enter, follow a mostly straight path, and exit with the exit wound just slightly bigger than the entery wound. Assault weapon rounds are designed to hit, tumble, and move erratically turning internal organs to mush and blowing a huge exit wound. Surgeons treating gunshot wounds from mass shootings with an assault weapon testify they have seen gunshots like them. The amount of damage is astounding making saving lives incredibly difficult. And victims shot in the back of the head have their whole faces blown off so pad parents and loved ones can't even identify them

    And there is also the psychological aspect. When treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans promote assault weans as their national symbol it is great advertisement for mentally unstable people to go out and buy one and commit mass shootings with them. They are rapid fire, designed to be deadly, and require little or no skill.

    Assault weapons cannot be compared to handguns.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Poor stumbler. Reduced to writing an editorial.
    Grasping at straws.
    Making assumptions about shit he knows nothing about. And using them to rage at the windmill.

    First, genius, the vast majority of police involved shootings take place at less than 10'. And, they take place out of doors for the most part. The loads we carried had trouble punching through a car door, and that was intentional. In the right light, we could even see the rounds going down range when we were practicing, they were so slow and underpowered. The reason for this was that we didn't want rounds hitting innocent people. The downside was, over maybe 25' accuracy and stopping power was minimal. We carried shotguns for longer range stuff, and the second loads for our handguns were hotter loads.

    The idea was, if you were in a gun fight over 10' you probably had time to take cover, and only then would you need a hotter load or something that would punch through a wall. You know, after you had a moment to think about what was going on, and what was behind the target.

    Your rant about assault weapons being banned only underscores what Shooter's point was to begin with;

    the push to ban "assault weapons" is emotional, not logical. If it was logical it would make as much sense to ban all semi automatic weapons, not just those scary assault weapons.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. toniter

    toniter No Limits

    Jan 17, 2011
    Can't you see, however, the AR evokes emotions for sure. We can agree on that.
    Feeling of strength and power in the next killer, the unstable, the lunatic.
    The gun of choice when planning a mass murder.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      I have been saying this for years. The right constantly promotes and glorifies the AR 15 and other assault weapons patterned after military style assault weapons. In fact the only difference between the AR 15 and military combat rifles is the military rifles are capable of fully automatic fire while the AR is semi automatic unless it id modified with an attachment to make it fire fully automatic.

      The promote the idea everyone should have assault weapons designed to kill or wound just as many people as possible as quickly as possible to a nation of more than 330 million where mental illness is one of our most wide spread social problems. So lots of mentally ill people go out and buy assault weapons because they are sold to anyone who just walks in off the street.
      stumbler, Jul 13, 2023
    2. stumbler
      And for far too many of those sick brains it becomes what's the use and fun of having assault weapons designed to kill just as many people as possible as quickly as possible if you don't get to kill people with them. Which is just enough motivation for them to go out and commit a mass shooting.

      That kind of gun culture is actually at the base of our entire gun violence problem. guns have been romanticized, glorified and even serialized. Guns are promoted as the answer to everything and everyone should have guns. Which is insane because far too many people are incapable of being safe and responsible with guns. And we also have a nation full of people both men and women who see their guns as a psychological extension of their penis and they are just itching to ejaculate some bullets.
      stumbler, Jul 13, 2023
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    Another long winded meaningless personal attack trying to cover up both your ignorance of guns and police training by changing you story. You did not say "First, genius, the vast majority of police involved shootings take place at less than 10'"

    What you said was ....

    And OMG talk about making me bust out laughing again. Now you are telling us you can see a bullet traveling at 940 feet per second with your naked eye?

    Gee then I bet you got a really good look at the .45 you claimed to have carried since they only travel about 830 feet per second And sure puts the lie to your claim you went with that because the .38's were too slow

    You just keep digging yourself in deeper and deeper there alleged ex super cop.
    1. stumbler
      PS Apparently you can't even get police mythology right. The complaint about the .38 Special was not that it couldn't shoot through a car door. Beginning in the 70's most auto manufactured started adding a piece of corrugated metal inside the car doors for added strength. And I have personally seen not even a .44 magnum will shoot through at point blank range.

      What police and especially highway patrol complained about is that at just the right angle a .38 Special would not penetrate a windshield. Because with shatter proof glass and the angle of the windshield sometimes the bullet would just skip off instead of going through. So many police departments and highway patrol upgraded to .357 Magnums.

      And then to semi automatics with the most common being the .9mmn. Which defeats their myth because most 9mm rounds are slower than the .38 Special depending on several factors in the load.
      stumbler, Jul 13, 2023
  13. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Oh, ok, then stumbler.
    When you so arrogantly proclaim "facts" and then get proven to be a liar.

    Seeing bullets in flight. | Shooters Forum
    OK. So today I took my father to the range to sight in his .260 rem Encore pistol. We set up at 50 yds and he took his first shot. I was standing directly behind him looking over his left shoulder, watching in case the bullet did not hit the paper.(I had bore sighted the pistol before we left the house but Its an old habit to watch the backstop just in case). The bullet printed low and right, so we adjusted the scope and he proceded to shoot a three shot group.
    This time I was standing about 10' behind and 15' to the left, and when he shot I could see the bullet for about 20 yards of its flight midrange! Iwas quite puzzled at what had just happened, and still not really believing, I told my dad "I just saw the bullet coming out of your pistol."And just then he reminded me that not long ago (at this same range) when I was shooting my .45 that he was able to see the bullet and that I told him "You are probably just seeing the brass flying through the air." Well this Encore is a single shot and there was no brass flying. The bullet is also just over half the diameter of the .45 and travelling nearly 3times as fast. So I resumed my position and for the next two shots I didn't see anything but the dirt fly from behind the target. We checked the target and needed to make one more small adjustment to the sights. He started to fire his next group and this time I was a little closer to him both behind and left and watched all three of his bullets from the barrel nearly to the target. Again, I told him that I could see his bullets and with disbelief we decided to switch. I shot a couple of times, and he saw nothing. I told him to reposition himself and shot some more after about the third shot he said " I saw that one go almost to the target." So I shot some more and he saw a few more of them. Now we discussed this all the way home, and came to no solid conclusions about why we were able to see the bullets. Or if it was actually the bullet we were seeing. The sun was directly behind the back stop but still high enough to not be in our eyes, and we tossed around the idea that mabey it was the sun reflected off the bullet? So have any of you heard of or seen this before? Any insight would be apreciated. Thanks, Ron.

    Watching Flying Bullets | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
    Can you see bullets in flight? - Quora
    it is possible to see a bullet in flight - Search (bing.com)

    Tell us again how the state of Colorado Law Enforcement Academy and Colorado Law enforcement in general is dumber than you and your granny when it comes to guns.
    Keep digging.
    This is fun!
    1. stumbler
      As always folks you have to always click on the links shootersa provides. In this care he is trying to pass off a bunch of personal anecdotes of people claiming thy could see bullets flying. But we are still talking abut an object .357 inch diameter traveling at 940 feet per second. So no I don't believe that any more than I believe shootersa was ever a cop.

      But even if it is theoretically possible to see a bullet flying it does not change the fact he used that to say its why he started carrying a .45 which is even slower.

      So as usual shootersa's "cop" stories never add up.
      stumbler, Jul 13, 2023
    2. shootersa
      Well, first of all genius, you can deny the accounts of people who don't have a dog in this fight, just because it doesn't fit your narrative.
      Calling them liars and demonizing them is typical tactics when you've been caught in a lie.
      Second, Shooter never said why the .45 became the departments weapon.
      Did he?
      Just more of your endless bullshit editorializing.

      And Shooter cares not a flea fart what you believe or don't believe about Shooter. Again; typical stumbler tactic when he's been caught bullshitting; demonize and attack.
      For the record, Shooter is pretty much convinced you were never a real live newspaper editor, or if you were you are possibly the least honest and least ethical editor spawned since Hearst.
      shootersa, Jul 13, 2023
    3. Sanity_is_Relative
      Let's clear this up a bit, it has been proven that even a 7.62 round, or about a .30 caliber round can be seen in travel by even an untrained eye, but we are talking about a .260 handgun which is a bit faster and which still can be seen in flight with a trained eye and the fact that the post is about someone that knows how to bore sight a weapon they would be well versed in tracking the rounds. The round in the post is in fact a 7mm and is just 0.62mm smaller than the 7.62so not enough of a difference to change facts, I have owned a Savage .250 and could see the rounds as they traveled. NO I am not a firearms expert and I am not well trained to watch a projectile in flight, but I do know basic physics, I also know personal experiences. Just because someone does not like or even understand firearms does not mean that they are even close to correct.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Jul 14, 2023
      shootersa likes this.
  14. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    It looks like the police got lucky on this one if you consider one officer dead and two others wounded luck. But all the indications are they saved a lot of other lives because it looks like this guy was headed for a mass shooting.

    Fargo shooter who killed a police officer used ‘binary trigger’ device, had stockpile of weapons at home
    Ann Arbor Miller/AP
    Chris Boyette
    Fri, July 21, 2023 at 1:45 PM MDT

    The man police say shot and killed a Fargo police officer and shot two more officers and another person used a “binary trigger” device that allowed him to fire his weapon rapidly during the attack on July 14, according to North Dakota officials.

    North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley said at a Friday news conference that the suspect, 37-year-old Mohamad Barakat, launched the attack after observing officers investigating a routine traffic accident. Barakat, who was shot and killed by another police officer during the incident, was not involved in the traffic accident.

    Wrigley said that investigators found a stockpile of weapons, ammunition and parts to make explosives at Barakat’s home. They also found he had searched the internet for terms such as “explosive ammo,” “kill fast” and “mass shooting events,” in addition to information about a downtown Fargo street fair.

    The “binary trigger” device allowed Barakat to fire his double magazine long rifle very rapidly, according to Wrigley.

    The attack was “all made possible because of what is known as a binary trigger,” he said. “Everything you hit, you’ll hit twice, because you got the binary trigger.”

    “None of the officers even had so much as an opportunity to turn, to crouch, to grab for their service weapon. Nothing,” Wrigley went on. “It’s that rapid.”

    Police identified the deceased officer as Jake Wallin, 23, in a Saturday news release. Officers Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes both sustained gunshot wounds, according to the release.

    A 25-year-old woman was also shot during the incident and was transported to a health care facility with “serious injuries,” according to the release.

    Barakat was shot by officer Zachary Robinson during the incident. He was transported to a hospital and later died of his injuries, the release says. Robinson is on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into his use of force, as is standard operating procedure in Fargo, according to the release.

    Wrigley said authorities are not releasing the police body camera footage at this time, citing the ongoing investigation, but that they would eventually.

    Investigators still haven’t determined a clear motive for the shooting, he added.

  16. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    The official weapon of the RNC!
    • Like Like x 1
  17. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Maryland man charged with hate crimes in parking dispute killings
    Maryland prosecutors have filed hate crime charges against a man accused of killing three people and wounding three more in a dispute over parking

    ByBRIAN WITTE Associated Press
    July 24, 2023, 9:40 AM

    FILE - Paddington Place is shut down by police as multiple people were shot at a home on Paddington Place in Annapolis, Md., Sunday, June 11, 2023. A man has been charged with hate crimes in the shootin...
    The Associated Press
    ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Maryland prosecutors have filed hate crime charges against a man accused of killing three people and wounding three more in a dispute over parking.

    The three people shot to death were Latino; the man accused of shooting them is white. Their families have lived on the same street for years and have had a history of disputes, including allegations of racial slurs against one of the victims.

    Charles Robert Smith, 43, had been charged with second-degree murder. Now he faces first-degree murder and hate-crime charges in the killings of Mario Mireles, his father Nicholas Mireles, and Christian Segovia, under an indictment returned by an Anne Arundel County grand jury on Friday, according to online court records.

    The 42-count indictment also includes six charges of attempted first-degree murder. Smith's initial court appearance was scheduled for next Monday. Two of his initial lawyers are no longer representing him, and it was unclear Monday who his new attorney is.

    Maryland's hate crime law applies to crimes that are motivated either in whole or in substantial part to another person's race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability or national origin. It enables prosecutors to add years to a sentence, and financial penalties. Smith faces up to life in prison without possibility of parole if convicted of first-degree murder.

    Recent Stories from ABC News

    According to the police charging documents, the six people who were shot were attending a large party when a dispute broke out over a parking issue. Mireles went to Smith's home to talk about it and was arguing with Shirley Smith when her son Charles Smith returned home and confronted him. The verbal argument became physical.

    Smith pulled out a gun and Mireles tried to grab it before Smith shot Mireles and Segovia. Smith “then stood over Mario Mireles and shot him several more times,” the document says. Smith then went into his house, got a rifle and began firing through a window at people who had come trying to help the mortally wounded men. Smith fatally shot Nicolas Mireles, and wounded Rosalina Segovia, Paul Johnnson and Enner Canales-Hernandez, police said.

    Smith surrendered when the police arrived, telling officers he shot the victims because they shot at his house. However, none of the witnesses interviewed saw any of the victims with a firearm, according to the charging documents.

    The Smith and Mireles families have had disputes for years, even going to court for help at one point. Mario Mireles sought a peace order petition in September 2016, accusing Shirley Smith of harassing him and their neighbors since he was a child. He accused her of directing racial slurs at him and his family, as well as other neighbors who are Black.

    He wrote that he was washing his car in front of his house when Shirley Smith drove fast by him about an “arm length away,” saying he believed she was “targeting” him with her car.

    Shirley Smith also sought a peace order at the same time, accusing Mireles of hitting her car with a large wet towel or blanket. She also accused him of throwing rocks at street signs and hitting vehicles.

    Peace orders are civil orders asking a person to refrain from committing certain acts. The judge denied both their petitions.

  19. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
    1. anon_de_plume
      But hey, Hunter still has him beat!
      anon_de_plume, Jul 27, 2023
      thestrangerinyou likes this.
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    It might not be anything but there is an active shooter in Lewston Maine. From the surveillance video I have seen the shooter looks like ex military. I could be wrong. But the way he comes through the door and handles his assault weapon it sure looks to me like he knows what he is doing.