Otro atril curioso pero muy efectivo a simple vista el que os traemos hoy. Poco a poco vamos haciendo una buena colección.
En este caso responde al nombre de MonsterPod, y esta fabricado de una especie de goma que se agarra literalmente a cualquier sitio o superficie. Para usarlo sólo debes sujetarlo a la cámara y presionar el trípode sobre la superficie en la que quieras colocarlo.
Ocupa muy poco y cuesta 30 dólares.
Vía | Uncrate. Más información | Monsterpod. En Xataka | Reemplaza tu trípode con Pod. En Xataka | Gorillapod, el tripode definitivo.
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Muy ingenioso. Y muy bueno si es capaz de agarrarse a la corteza de un arbol. Aun así, muuuuuchas pruebas tendría que hacer antes de confiarle una cámara nuevecita de 300 o 400 euros...
ORLANDO, FLORIDA - March 2, 2006 - PMA 2006 Overview While there were plenty of mega cameras, mega booths, and mega pixels at the PMA 2 week, there was only one mega release — MonsterPod ™. What the MonsterPod™ boys lacked in flash and glitter, they made up in pure brilliance. At first the crowd was skeptical, but as word began to travel, the MonsterPod ™ boys were rock’n and roll’n and stick’n their MonsterPod™ to nearly everything in their booth and their neighbors’ booths too. Crowds gathered for hours around booth 1854, hidden way back deep in the barrio, far from the bright lights and pretty girls (they call them reps), to see the father and son team stick their invention to golf clubs, snow skis, drift wood, squirrel cages, Styrofoam balls, wine bottles and even a swinging tennis racket! The crowds went wild, as the MonsterPod ™ boys launched their product into stardom – or, so it was seeming. Basically MonsterPod ™ is a tripod head mount with a viscoelastic silicone polymer goo that will mold to practically any surface. What this means to shutterbugs around the world, is that whether you’re hiking in the woods, skiing down the slopes, rock climbing the Grand Canyon, traveling up the Eiffel Tower or parting with friends at home, you can simply screw this baby into your compact digital camera and press it to any surface at any angle and it will stick, creating an instant tripod. And, it really sticks! So good, in fact, the MonsterPod ™ was stuck over 3,000+ times in 4 days at PMA 2006 – and, is still stick’n after take’n all that lick’n… MonsterPod™ the most incredible digital camera tripod on planet earth. Randel Byrd MonsterPod, Inventor Monster Pod Technology, Inc.
Oye, muy interesante el MonsterPod. Y con eso de que a veces no encuentra uno una superficie plana o un buen ángulo para las fotos, esto puede ser una buena solución. Hay que hacer el intento.