Amazon is officially buying Whole Foods — here's everything that will change for customers

Amazon's $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods is set to go through on Monday. 

The online behemoth's purchase of the organic grocer will come with many changes for customers. 

Here's what the companies have told us so far. 

Whole Foods will get cheaper for everyone starting Monday.

Whole Foods
Yelp/Jane W

"Customers will enjoy lower prices on products like Whole Trade bananas, organic avocados, organic large brown eggs, organic responsibly farmed salmon and tilapia, organic baby kale and baby lettuce, animal-welfare-rated 85% lean ground beef, creamy and crunchy almond butter, organic Gala and Fuji apples, organic rotisserie chicken, 365 Everyday Value organic butter, and much more," the companies said.

Amazon Prime members will get special discounts.

Whole Foods

Amazon Prime will replace Whole Foods' current loyalty program. It's estimated that half of American households have an Amazon Prime membership. 

Over time, Whole Foods will get cheaper in general.

Whole Foods
Business Insider/Hayley Peterson

"The two companies will invent in additional areas over time, including in merchandising and logistics, to enable lower prices for Whole Foods Market customers," Whole Foods and Amazon said in a release

You'll be able to buy Whole Foods' private label products on Amazon Prime.


"Whole Foods Market's healthy and high-quality private label products — including 365 Everyday Value, Whole Foods Market, Whole Paws and Whole Catch — will be available through, AmazonFresh, Prime Pantry and Prime Now," the companies said

Whole Foods stores will have Amazon lockers.

amazon locker

Amazon lockers allow you to have your package delivered to a secure location until it's time to pick it up. You can also use them for returns. 

Whole Foods will grow its team.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods says it will hire more workers to implement the changes. 

The companies will integrate point-of-sale and merchandising systems.

Whole Foods employee
Joe Kohen / Getty Images

This could mean more of Amazon's brands will be available at Whole Foods, and vice versa. 

What will stay the same:

John Mackey
John Mackey AP

Whole Foods will continue to operate under its own name and open new stores. John Mackey will stay on as CEO. 

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