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  1. mfan2112

    mfan2112 Sex Lover

    May 4, 2020
    5 Stories Which Have Influenced My Writing

    I was on a long waste of time, zoom call for work the other day and my mind wandered to thinking about the stories that have shed a key insight into my writing and impacted me. I thought I would share with my fellow writers. They are in the order that I first read them (I think). Other works might be a similar or better example for a given topic, but these are the stories where they clicked for me in the denseness that is my brain.

    1. Being More Social by @BashfulScribe—I think this was the first work of long form erotica that I discovered where a well-structured story was presented. I had seen other work (and sadly written some) where it appeared the author did not have the end in mind when they started writing their story. Now I use an outline, just a few milestones really, to chart the work and develop my characters. That does not mean that I don’t deviate from the outline, especially when I get feedback from a beta reader, but it keeps me from rambling on. Besides, I can still write a sequel to a good story.

    2. A Game of Inches by @Rhiannon57—Another great work of long form erotica that I found early on. I might have even found it before Being More Social. What I added to my writing tool kit from this story is twofold. First, that a story can span the life of a character. Many stories we read here span a night or a week. I met so and so and we _________. Here, there are time gaps, not every day of the main characters life is described. We just get the key events, some erotic and others just important to the story. The other element I learned was that it is ok to have very bad things happen to a character. I am trying not to post a spoiler here, but there were some parts where things just SUCKED for the main character. And it is ok, not everything has to be happy all the time. Although I think most people like a happy ending, the path there can be difficult.

    3. What a Difference a Summer Makes by @ThroatHer—Long before @throatHER and I became friends, I had enjoyed the early installments of his work. I was drawn in by the central “incident” that is the lynchpin of the whole story. However, it was all the additional points of conflict between the characters and the tension that developed that keep me looking for additional installments. I was coming back for the story, not the sex. In looking back at the other works above, the same is true for them as well, but this was the piece where it first clicked in my brain.

    4. Cherry by @muke Hunt Hz—When I got to the ending of this story, it became clear how certain elements were necessary in the early parts to set up and make the ending meaningful. What first appeared to be an interesting sub plot moved to the forefront of the story at the end. It made for a powerful and meaningful conclusion to the story.

    5. Hard Landing by @BrokenSpokes—This is the one piece not on this website, and out of respect for the rules here, I will not link to it. But if you put it into your favorite search engine, it should come up as the first or second hit. This work rotates the viewpoint within the story. This was the first I had seen where I was being told the story by one character, and then later on, a different character was telling me the story. It is not a device I have used yet in a published piece, but it is critical to the piece I am working on now. It is as if I am sitting down with some old friends and they are taking turns telling me a story. From a literary perspective, it is great to see things from the different characters’ points of view. Many of the benefits of telling a story from third person omniscient without the story being in that viewpoint.

    Ok, so enough of my rambling on here. I dashed this off in the hope that someone finds this helpful and can improve on their writing. I know I am indebted to many others here for improvements to my work over time (Yes I am talking about you @throatHER and @naughtydragon) and want to pass on what I have learned. Let me know in the comments what stories have impacted you and what you learned from them.
    • Like Like x 5
    1. throatHER
      I'm truly honored by the compliment. You've been a great help too, my friend, in pushing me to become better. Will be reading Cherry tonight.
      throatHER, Dec 8, 2020
      mfan2112 and Nellymcboatface like this.
  2. NCfan

    NCfan Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2020
    So it seems that if a story gets blocked for an age reason that isn't really an issue, if you resubmit with a detailed admin comment they'll look at it and publish without change. My second episode of Mickey and Kat is now posted. Is had been denied initially for a "five year old". As you'll see if you choose to read it, nowhere does it specifically mention a five year old.
  3. Glakes

    Glakes Newcumer

    Sep 27, 2020
    I'm trying to understand the voting here. If I post a series and people vote negative on the first part. Why do they read the other parts and post negatives? That makes no sense to me. If you didn't like the story, why keep reading it? Maybe I'll go back to Lit.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. NCfan
      Always a mystery to me. I imagine many of the anonymous ones are the same
      NCfan, Dec 8, 2020
  4. elderlyheadgear

    elderlyheadgear Newcumer

    Oct 23, 2020
    I think some of it is pure trolling, some of it is righteous indignation, and some of it is authors undercutting each other. The voting system and the thoroughly ambiguous and inconsistent age restrictions are making me question whether or not I want to keep posting here.
  5. Glakes

    Glakes Newcumer

    Sep 27, 2020
    I'm certainly rethinking staying here. I wonder what happens if you only allow no anonymous votes? Plus you shouldn't be able to vote more than once. ??? It has me confused.
    1. mfan2112
      You can only vote once, but registered votes (non-anonymous) are weighted 4x that of an anonymous one.

      You can turn off anonymous votes, but I rarely see it done.
      mfan2112, Dec 9, 2020
      Nellymcboatface likes this.
  6. kinkbugs

    kinkbugs Porno Junky

    Nov 16, 2020
    I'm kinda sad about the restrictions. I'm also wondering now if my other installments of my story will be published because the girl encourages her husband to 'rape' her. It's all consensual but they both say it a few times.
  7. UndeniableUrges

    UndeniableUrges Amateur

    May 23, 2015
    Exactly - trolls stirring the pot, self appointed thought police, and authors. Someone slammed every new story released yesterday. And, the same person voting down every chapter in a series - they aren't reading them, just voting them down. Many, if not most anonymous down-votes are by our fellow authors though. If I have a story on the front page, it drops whenever new stories are released - authors stepping on each other for that coveted front page. Most readers rarely vote. I think the typical vote rate is about 1- 2 percent of read rates. People read a bit and leave if they are not interested, or 'finish' before they get to the end of the story and leave.

    "I have met the enemy, and he is us."

    I vow to not play that game.

    • Like Like x 3
    1. throatHER
      My name is throatHer and I approve this message.
      throatHER, Dec 9, 2020
      Nellymcboatface likes this.
  8. elderlyheadgear

    elderlyheadgear Newcumer

    Oct 23, 2020
    If the admins don't get back to me today I'll probably delete my stories and then resubmit them for no anonymous ratings.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. BiStander

    BiStander Tale teller

    Apr 16, 2009
    I started posting on sexstories in 2009. I stopped this year because every single one of my stories and all the comments posted on them are being cloned on Russian websites as me.

    As for the votes, the first thing that happens when a batch of stories appears is this, authors(not me) give a neg vote to all and a pos vote to theirs. That moves them right to the top. The only thing you can do about this is to make sure people who are reading your stuff know when it posts and have them go vote for it.
    If you write good stories, and you remain patient, eventually your stuff will get the recognition it deserves.

    As for content allowed, over the years I've seen a steady decline in freedom of expression. All my original stories were pulled down for some new rule violation. I had to find other sites for that content. It's not XN's fault, though. It's the constant pressure from outside sources, and often people on this site who report your stuff. Why someone who is a member of a pon site would think they have a right to do that, shrug, who knows. The attacks from do-gooders will keep on coming until we live in a Handmaiden's Tale world.

    Best practice, never use x years old. I once had a chapter rejected because a character said, "Ooh, it's as smooth as a ten-year-old." Nobody was ten, and yes it was the equivalent of saying I feel like a 99-year-old, but it doesn't matter. If you want your story to get posted, never directly mention an age that way.
    • Like Like x 3
  10. UndeniableUrges

    UndeniableUrges Amateur

    May 23, 2015
    I tried the 'no anonymous votes' as well. Sounds like a good idea, but the troll accounts will eventually down-vote it, and it only takes a couple to bury your story.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. NCfan

    NCfan Porn Star

    Apr 19, 2020
    I've been fortunate that a few people I talk with on this forum will read mine and throw a vote my way. Votes by those who are registered and signed in count as 4 votes (in either direction) so it does give weight to non-anonymous votes. Not allowing anonymous votes will be interesting to watch. Your percentage will likely be based on a very few votes.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Payne_Hall

    Payne_Hall Porn Surfer

    Nov 26, 2020
    I just wanted to say Hi on this thread. I started posting on literotica and was trying to put the stories in other places because they seemed to make people happy and it seemed like we could use that after this year :). Some of these voting horror stories are intimidating, so I wanted to say thank you guys for still writing and posting even if it’s frustrating. If you see any of my stuff, I hope you have fun, too.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. NCfan
      Welcome. Some of it is just venting. Maybe a little frustration because things aren’t always fair. Still it’s nice to have new people posting.
      NCfan, Dec 10, 2020
      Nellymcboatface likes this.
  13. Payne_Hall

    Payne_Hall Porn Surfer

    Nov 26, 2020
    I can definitely understand that. You can tell some things with low ratings had revision and editing work and effort. It can feel like a major letdown. Also, I did not reply to that correctly and I am sorry.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. throatHER

    throatHER Porno Junky

    Aug 5, 2014
    I've looked at other sites but I'm particularly fond of this one because for me it's more user friendly and I've been a member for so long. I'm one of those loyalist who is reluctant to change. I've tried doing the ONLY allow registered voters but it only helps a little. Fake accounts can be made to further downvote a story and registered voters count way more than anonymous ones. 4 to 1; to be exact.

    What is most disconcerting is the 'targeting' of certain authors. We know the good ones. Even if you don't care for a story they've written you know their work and it's not below 92%

    My best guess is whoever is doing the downvoting are tired of the same individuals being on the front page time and time again. Especially when they may have 2 to 4 stories up there.

    That's why I take my sweet little ol time in posting. Once a month or once every two months. Plus, I'm very particular in what I write.

    Keep writing guys and gals. I not only write but read a lot of your stories and will always leave a comment or two.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. NCfan
      Referring to the comment you left on my story, I think a non-vote serves well enough when you don't particularly care for a story, but feel that a negative isn't really warranted. There are few enough votes, compared to total views that a negative vote is particularly harsh.

      Maybe instead of a thumbs up, thumbs down type of voting, they could let readers rates them 1-5 stars. This way someone can give a middling score without killing a story?
      NCfan, Dec 12, 2020
    2. mfan2112
      Another well known site for posting literary erotica (*cough hint cough*) uses a 5 star system and people complain there just as much about that system, being 1 bombed and the like. The end of the day, there is no good rating system. Because there are dicks in the world.
      mfan2112, Dec 12, 2020
      Nellymcboatface, NCfan and throatHER like this.
    3. NCfan
      True, the dicks will always fuck things up. But it gives room for regular people to do a better job.
      NCfan, Dec 12, 2020
      Nellymcboatface likes this.
  15. DaniCakexxx

    DaniCakexxx Porn Surfer

    Dec 9, 2020
    Trying to post part 2 of my story and it doesn't show as published, just still in edit mode. How do I fix this, I've reached out in everyway possible..I have soo much material to post...any tips??
    1. NCfan
      When did you publish it? It takes 2-3 days and nothing gets added over the weekend. They run the stories through a program looking for anything against site rules.
      NCfan, Dec 13, 2020
      DaniCakexxx likes this.
  16. DaniCakexxx

    DaniCakexxx Porn Surfer

    Dec 9, 2020
    okay! that helps I published it Thursday I think so it makes sense that it isn't up yet... My first one posted instantly so I guess I'm just jumping the gun a lil. Thankkkssssssss <3
    • Like Like x 1
  17. UndeniableUrges

    UndeniableUrges Amateur

    May 23, 2015
    LOL! One of my stories had 35 negative votes in under a minute today! From the front page to story purgatory. Must have pissed someone off.

    1. NCfan
      NCfan, Dec 15, 2020
    2. NCfan
      It looks like your stories have a high number of views and ratings safely over 90%. That should make you safe from some neg votes dragging you down, but could also make you a target. I noticed on a couple that a certain user is down voting yours. I've seen his name down voting some of mine. Which story got blasted?
      NCfan, Dec 15, 2020
  18. UndeniableUrges

    UndeniableUrges Amateur

    May 23, 2015
    Blue Balls 9 - Fun with mom and dad was hit the hardest. When I logged on this morning, it was sitting on the front page with an 86% rating, sandwiched between two 95% stories, so, it was down-voted in the time it takes for rankings to be updated, which is only a minute or two - all anonymous votes. My rough math showed it took around 30 to 35 negative votes to go from 95 to 86, with 368 votes total.

    BB 9, 10 and 11 have all been hit and are all relatively new. Oh well. Pretty discouraging, but that is the goal of the person doing this. Many good writers (I'm not including myself) have been driven from this site for the same reason. Sorry to complain. The only reply most get is "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."

    • Like Like x 1
    1. Nellymcboatface
      It's fair for anyone to be disgruntled after some one unfairly marks down a story you have worked hard on. You do get attached to your stories and characters, so it is hard not to be peeeed off...
      Moan away, I know I will when my turn comes...
      Stay safe.
      Nellymcboatface, Dec 16, 2020