If you’re on furlough or have extra time on your hands under lockdown, you might have been spending your time sprucing up your home and getting Spring cleaning jobs done.
Similarly, keeping our homes clean is just as important as washing our hands when it comes to curbing the spread of coronavirus.
But it appears that some have been taking matters into their own hands in terms of cleaning products, and have had to call authorities after being burned by home-mixed chemicals or creating noxious gases.
Stats from Canada Health Canada in February and March showed a 58% increase in reported exposure to cleaning chemicals and disinfectants from the same period in 2019.
Not only that, but the Federal Health Agency confirmed to CTV News that calls to poison control centres about hand sanitisers, disinfectants, and bleach jumped 103% in March from the same month last year.
The data doesn’t represent a full spectrum of those who’ve accidentally been poisoned, as some will head to a hospital rather than calling poison control. However, it does present a worrying trend.
Dominic Ponniah, CEO of commercial cleaning firm Cleanology, told Metro.co.uk: ‘Cleaning products usually contain strong chemicals which are fine to use on their own but potentially very hazardous to mix together.’
Here are some of the main dangers when it comes to cleaning, and the best way to avoid them.

Bleach and Vinegar
‘Of the most widely available, bleach is probably the most dangerous chemical,’ says Dominic.
‘For example, mixing bleach with vinegar produces chlorine gas.’
Deyan Dimitrov, CEO of Laundryheap adds that this ‘can cause a burning throat, wheezing, a serious chesty cough and other potential health problems.
‘If the stain or fabric damage is so bad you’re considering mixing chemicals, get the piece dry cleaned or call in professional cleaners.’
Vinegar is a favourite of cleanfluencers, and makes a great natural alternative. Just make sure to never, ever mix it with bleach.
Ammonia and bleach
Deyan says: ‘Most household cleaning products contain ammonia, for example, oven cleaners, floor cleaners and even some antibacterial sprays.
‘Mixing ammonia and bleach for a “stronger cleaning solution” is never recommended as this can produce chloramine vapour which can cause a sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes and chest congestion and other potentially serious health conditions.’
Not only will you not get a better clean, you could really harm yourself and those in your household.

Rubbing alcohol and bleach
We’ve all heard of chloroform from crime dramas and the like. But it’s surprisingly easy to make this accidentally in the home.
‘The ethanol and sodium hypochlorite contained in the separate products produces chloroform, a common industrial solvent,’ says Dominic.
Deyan continues, ‘Chloroform is a heavy sweet-smelling chemical and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys if inhaled and can actually cause fainting, so please only stick to one cleaning product.’
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Drain unblocker explosions
Dominic says: ‘Doing something like mixing two drain cleaners together, or using them consecutively, can cause an explosion due to the powerful chemicals contained.’
Many industrial strength cleaners contain sulphuric acid, which reacts violently when it comes into contact with water or common cleaners like soda crystals.
If you have a block and have been trying different cleaners (which then get stuck above the block), pouring acid down there can create a huge explosion of corrosive liquid – and even if it doesn’t touch you, it can melt plastic pipes and fittings.
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After Donald Trump suggested that injecting or ingesting disinfectants may be an effective way to prevent against coronavirus, one health authority in Florida reported that they’d dealt with two incidences of people hospitalised for drinking bleach.
Never ingest any cleaning products – which you likely know already – but also take care to keep chemicals out of reach of children so they don’t have any accidents either.
Dominic says: ‘While it might be tempting to try to use a cocktail of products already in your cupboard rather than purchasing new ones, you should take extreme care.
‘Always read the label of the product you are using and err on the side of caution if you are thinking of combining two together.’
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