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  1. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011

    dont start saying meaningless crap to attempt to annoy others, leave that job to the professionals ;)
  2. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    Can we type meaningful crap? How will we know who might get annoyed? If we're good at this, we can get paid?!?? Sign me the fuck up! :excited:
  3. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011

    hell no, to get paid one actually has to think, i find it quite easy to outwit most people here. or perhaps that is arrogance, either way it makes me laugh:excited:
  4. aspen_parker

    aspen_parker Sex Lover

    Aug 13, 2011
    And that is what I dont quite get....
  5. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    I consider that a challenge! Who will be the referee for our wit-off? :-| But, I want money if I'm going to be forced to actually use my brain here.
  6. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011
    to put it simply aspen, some of us enjoy the challenge some of these so called know it all people try to bring to the forums, so we in a funny yet not so friendly way, find out clever and witty ways to shut them up :excited:
  7. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011
    the easiest way to pick out a troll on the forums is to see the ones that post a topic that gets a mass majority of the people in a rage. the creators of that thread will then slowly slip out and watch the chaos that they have come to create.
  8. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    You can use this place to utilize all sorts of tools - you can get into philosophical discussions, fart around to kill time, argue politics, religion, sex, violence and drugs. There are people here with enlightening ideas - some are very funny - some are entertaining, if even unintentionally so. Unlike real life, some conversations can be sparked in a way that polite society is unlikely to tolerate . . . but if you stick with it, you can learn something about others and yourself.

    it's all good. :excited:
  9. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    You couldn't outwit a pet rock.

    Once again, you really really overestimate yourself.

    You are definitely not intelligent. You're just yet another child lashing out at others like the little brat that he is.

    Stop using words like witty. You know nothing of wit or being clever. People like you make that word lose its meaning.
  10. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011
    ahh Baller so good of you to join us, you disappoint me that you gave up so quick on the other thread. are you feeling that slow witted today, or are you always that pathetic?
  11. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    I have yet to see you display even an ounce of wit. I have however seen you display the same fake, "make yourself out to be something you're not without ever backing it up" behavior every loser like you does constantly, and I have seen you pathetically hit on plenty of girls here who would rather talk to me in a heartbeat over you.

    Fucking pathetic internet douche.

    Also, periods are great. You should try using them sometime.
  12. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011
    here baller let me end you before you go into another fit. The only excuse you have to your meaningless life is this, birth control failed ;) thank you that is all.
  13. aspen_parker

    aspen_parker Sex Lover

    Aug 13, 2011
    Hm. And, I believe, that you should think about what you say first. Do you think you are being "witty" by saying these things? Because you arn't. When you say he is another child lashing out, you seem to strike back, though the comment wasnt directed to you.

    I think I heard your mother calling.
  14. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    . . . and you want to have a wit contest? :? Rehashed quasi-momma's jokes? Now I know you're not serious.
  15. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    And let me end you by telling you that I can see through all of your bullshit to the pathetic, nothing-to-offer-anybody individual you really are.

    Hear that? It's reality knocking. You should answer it this time, but we both know you won't.

    Oh sweetheart, you're way out of your depth.

    Run along now.
  16. Lost_Angel45

    Lost_Angel45 Amateur

    Sep 19, 2011
    Lol... I have to agree! It might seem a bit egotistical but it is obvious that a great percentage of the "posters" here only acquired a second grade education which makes for great entertainment. As annoying and sometimes even incorrigible posters can become it is up to each individual to either find humor in the ignorance or become part of the group ... Lol ....
  17. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011

    no no i am quite finished although that is one of my favorite jokes. :excited: i had my fill. one last bit of food for thought before i go to masturbate to some porn, what exactly defines wit. i bit you all farwell :rose::rose:
  18. aspen_parker

    aspen_parker Sex Lover

    Aug 13, 2011
    I would never prefer talking to you. And you call him a douche, you ass kissing, dog fucking, rabbit sucking, cunt whore son of a bitch who probally jacks off to his mom, that has no other life than to waste peoples time.

    That felt good to get out.
  19. Saborg

    Saborg Porno Junky

    Apr 1, 2011
    beautiful simply beautiful, if you cant beat them; join them. i love it!!
  20. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    And you happened to quote one of those posters you were referring to.

    Which is the hilarious thing, that people who claim to be so much more intelligent clearly can't see an unintelligent person when he or she is staring them right in the face.