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''[[:Category:Clothing|Clothing]] - [[:Category:Tattoo|Tattoo]] - [[:Category:Body Tattoo|Body Tattoo]] - [[:Category:Face Tattoo|Face Tattoo]]''
#REDIRECT[[Empty Mind Tattoo]]
A tattoo that periodically decreases the player's [[Intelligence]].
* "The word 'EMPTY' is tattooed in block capitals on your forehead. You are finding it almost impossible to think!
==Ways of Obtaining==
* [[New:Inspiration_Machine|Tattoo Machine]]
** Inspired by items with a negative intelligence influence.
* [[New:Mind-Flayer|Mind-Flayer]] facial climax on player.
* [[Humiliation|Outrage level]]: 4
* Periodically decreases [[Intelligence]] until is is below 3
[[Category:Inventory]][[Category:Clothing]][[Category:Tattoo]][[Category:Body Tattoo]][[Category:Face Tattoo]]

Latest revision as of 16:56, 18 October 2021

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