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  1. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    Not quite: the initial reaction was more like "Uh oh." I read the instructions and theme three times through to ensure I had it right.

    Then I broke out the twin 200 Giga-watt speakers hooked up to the nuclear-powered portable amplifier...:rolleyes:

    In its own way, when I began to see how this theme could be developed, it lined up well in comparison to what Horse did for CAW 19's theme.
    I think the hardest problem will be, due to an historical abundance of fairy tales from around the world, choosing an ideal tale for us to make a story happen.

    And mind you, I had not duly considered anyone doing a 'modern-day' setting for an old tale.

    As for not having time to compete? If nothing else, do up a short story (say 2000 or so words) and enter.
  2. AZMotherLover

    AZMotherLover Porn Star

    Dec 17, 2013
    That's the first thing that popped into my mind when I read the OP.
  3. K.T. Girl

    K.T. Girl Porn Surfer

    Jun 12, 2014
    Does is matter how long or short an entry is?
  4. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    In general no.

    The brevity or length of a story does not normally matter, unless it is of such length and disjointed structure (as I am too prone to do), actually impedes the readers pleasure for the story. Write the story as long or short as you deem best.

    If you are a first-time writer, a bit of advice:

    1. Keep the story to a reasonable length.
    2. Find someone who can proof read and edit it for you.

    We have many members of the forum who do not write stories, but are among the most powerful proof readers you can imagine. One of them can help turn a good-quality story into one of exceptional quality.

    Above all else: when in doubt about a common matter, such as you did with 'does size matter' for a story - ask.
  5. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    There are a number of re-writes of the classics in recent publication. One of those (Happily Ever After ? ) involved the Sleeping Beauty legend but placed its origin in Rus at the time that Baba Yaga was not just a legend but alive. Baba Yaga ended up with a Boeing 747 in the forests of Rus and dreaming of its mobility before she modified the concept to give her cottage chicken legs.

    There have also been modern day setting retellings in movie format but I cannot remember the details of the stories at this time.
  6. JayneyRedd

    JayneyRedd Porn Star

    Jan 31, 2010
  7. AZMotherLover

    AZMotherLover Porn Star

    Dec 17, 2013
    What a terrible idea for a writing contest on a porn site. I mean, what kind of weirdo wants to read about Snow White and the Seven Dwarf gangbang? Not me.

    And what filthy pervert wants to read about Cinderella, who, after scrubbing the floors all day, is forced to clean her evil stepsister's stinky nasty cunt with her tongue? Not me.

    Next thing you know, some dirty bastard will post a picture of the pure and innocent Tinkerbell, surrounded by cocks and covered in man goo during a bukkake session.


    Only a sexual deviant would want to read or write about such topics. I'm glad I'm not one of them.

  8. Panther68

    Panther68 Sex Machine

    May 5, 2013
    While I do feel this is a great idea for a CAW and have a few ideas, I do have a small gripe.

    The CAWs have been starting to run almost continously with very little break between them leaving little or no time for someone to work on the stories they have in work and wish to participate in a CAW as well.

    Now before any of you point out that I did not have entries in CAWs 18 & 19. I was working on a joint non-entry for CAW 18 with Miss Racheal. It was to be a non-entry because we had the overall storyline worked out based upon the initial guidelines, but after the continous change in rules for that CAW it was no longer in complience and we chose to write it anyway as a non-entry. Then do to real life interferences we were unable to complete it. As far as CAW 19 is concerned I had an entry in work but lost it when it was about 75% complete due to a hard disk failure. I know shame on me for not having it backed up. I was able to reconstruct much of it but not in time to complete it and be worthy of entry.

    I still plan to finish that story, but thinking there would be a break between CAWs I decided to write a much requested sequel to my first story. I had the first part completed prior to the finish of CAW 19 and waited until the end of the voting stage to post it in the forum section. It was still overshadowed by the CAW entries as was as all the rule debate threads and only received one comment and pushed to the bottom of the threads listings

    I have also noticed other stories that have suffered the same fate and have recieved little or no attention with a CAW overshadowing it.

    Back to back CAWs may be great for the experienced writers here who seem to be able to crank out great stories in a very short time frame. As a new writer I can't crank them out that fast. So it only leaves me with a choice of working on my own stories or participate in CAWs.

    So if the person who ends up winning this CAW happens to read this post please think about going back to the way it was where there was break between CAWs. To the moderators.... Perhaps if the CAWs are going to continue to run non-stop there should be a forum dedicated to the competitions.
  9. CAW SOP

    CAW SOP Sex Machine

    Apr 30, 2012
    Thank you, Jayney. I'm glad you like the theme - I really hope you find time to finish an entry for this one! As for the poem... well. I'm embarrassed to say how long it took me to write it. I've been told it doesn't flow very well, but that's true enough. I'm no good at poetry. I'll admit I had help with the graphic part of it. My anonymous benefactor helped me find a picture and impose the writing over it. I don't know how he did it. I think magic.

    There is no set word limit, but it has been my experience in the past CAWs that long entries tend to suffer. Not everybody who reads has time to go through seven novel-length stories in one competition, so they generally start to skim through it as they realize the length in order to get through the entire reading list in time. However, a story that is well-written will hold the attention of the readers. My best advice? Write it as long as it needs to be in order to tell your story. Good luck!

    I think 'Happy Ever After' was a Cinderella re-do. Ok, not think, I know it was. It's one of my favorite movies. Drew Barrymore and Anjelica Huston. It might even be part of why I chose this theme. Might.

    Rule 34 again? Why am I not surprised?

    I was very hesitant to post the theme now already, exactly because I also thought it might be too close to the last CAW. However, I was besieged by PMs from several members asking me to get the next theme ready because the summer holidays are upon us. (well, upon everybody in the US). Also, my winter break is not far from starting. Once the next term begins, I will have little time to do a proper job. I knew going in that I would not be able to please everybody, whichever choice I made. I hope you will be able to finish both a story for the CAW as well as your other stories.
  10. BlackRonin

    BlackRonin Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Huh. And it's not even my birthday...
  11. darthel0101

    darthel0101 Porn Star

    May 25, 2012
    I apologize for the confusion. After a little research, I found Enchantment - by Orson Scott Card. Gawd, I miss having access to my library.
  12. ahorsewithnoname

    ahorsewithnoname Porn Star

    Feb 11, 2011
    I kinda' have to disagree with you. Not with the part about minimal break in-between, but, with leaving little or no time to work on other stories. It doesn't really take that long to write a story. I would think that actually writing time would be done in a week for some, maybe two weeks max for others. A typical CAW has a 6 week writing period, followed by a 3-4 week combined reading and voting period. Then there's at least a week off before the next CAW. The last CAW had at least one extra week in there because of site issues. So that's a 2.5 month time period minimum, of which you might spend a couple of those weeks working on a CAW entry. Now I'll grant you that if you work on a combined entry it is going to take you longer, because you have another person to coordinate with, but that's a choice of one's own choosing. And, no one says that someone has to enter every single CAW. Some don't, in fact, a lot of people don't write for every CAW. So if you need time off, it's cool...CAWs will be waiting for you when you come back. Some of the best authors here have taken a breather, but I think, if you really look at it, it's time management. Write. Don't PM. Don't email. Don't read a dozen threads. Write. I'm not specifically talking to you, Panther...just saying in general. When I write, I close out XNXX and only have Google open for reference purposes.

    Heck, I'm not in favor of more delays in CAWs, I'm in favor of more writing contests. :) I floated an idea to some friends about a year ago of having a Sunday writing contest, where everyone meets here at a specified time, say, 1pm on Sunday afternoon. A theme is announced. Very simply themes, very simple rules, because you'd have one hour to write. Yep. One hour! Then you'd have 15 minutes to proof and post your entry. Sorta' like speed dating. No real voting per se, just an exercise in fun.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents, less for inflation. I'm glad the CAW is posted. Woo Hoo!
  13. JayneyRedd

    JayneyRedd Porn Star

    Jan 31, 2010
    I'm not trying to fall out with anybody either, but I have no gripe with the CAW announcement. In fact, it is more traditional for the CAW to restart soon after the end of the previous - we're on the 20th CAW in just over four years, so 4 or 5 a year is pretty much par for the course. It was only last summer when the compy took a little summer break - and that didn't end well, did it?

    What we had in its place was a quite good idea for an interim compy, which was soon challenged by yet another compy which, whilst a jolly good idea in itself, was aimed rather unsportingly at spoiling the first compy.

    What followed was much testosterone-fuelled argy-bargy, accompanied by a lot of unseemly wailing and gnashing. It would have been better if the official CAW had simply pressed on unabated, such as what we have now. I think the fact that there are seven weeks in which to write, followed by what I assume and hope will be another four weeks (depending on the number of entries) of reading time, combined with the voting period, which will take us into the autumn/fall. CAW XXI will then most likely take us up to the festive season (if not beyond).

    More power to your elbow, CAW SOP - and good luck with running the compy, which I think will be as successful as any of the others, bravo!
  14. BlackRonin

    BlackRonin Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Well, last year the host opted to put the brakes on a new challenges until the summer was over, but demand ran so high that it engendered not one but two mini-contests...which in turn engendered an enormous amount of bickering that would probably all have been avoided had the main event just gone ahead in short order instead. So I'm fine with starting sooner. But I suppose if it proves inconvenient for a lot of people then that's something for future hosts to keep in mind.


  15. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    On the subject of the time between CAW Competitions being staged, I am of mixed feelings...

    Up front, I chose to wait until CAW 19 concluded to launch the saga of "The Chronicles of Elsa" due to one overriding factor: when a CAW Reading phase has begun, almost all other stories fall by the wayside until it, and the voting portion, are concluded.

    I have seen this happen with other saga's of mine which overlapped past CAW's.

    To say the least, as an writer of such tales, I find it somewhat frustrating.
    What keeps me going with them is the knowledge that if a saga is good enough, readers will continue to follow CAW or not.

    Yet in entering the CAW's so often, I understand well enough the desire to challenge yourself when new themes and requirements are presented. We push ourselves to write the greatest creations of porno we can, and in a diversity of ways that seldom falls short.

    Seeing new writers (who have taken a few CAW's) enter and compete is encouraging in other ways.

    Ultimately, in the end, I think the Host for each CAW should set the time frame for when they will begin.

    Again, just my two cents on the matter.
  16. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    Nice idea Hornypixy. Can't wait to read them.
  17. hornypixy

    hornypixy Resident Punslut

    May 4, 2012
    Why not try to write one as well?
  18. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    August 2nd? Well, I think there is too MUCH time between CAWs. Who needs until August 2nd? Heck, I can knock out my CAW 20 entry right this minute!


    Thrice upon a time, Goldilicks had sex with each member of the Bare family.

    "Sorry, Baby Bare... but that's WAY too small!"

    "Ouch! OUCH! Stop it, Papa Bare! That thing is WAY too big!"

    "Ooooh... Mmmm... Aahhh... Yes, Mama Bare, YES! Your tongue is JUST RIGHT!"

    Following this discovery that she was bisexual, Goldilicks went on to have sex with twice as many people (and animals, and inanimate objects) as before, and they all lived happily ever after.


    ***NOTICE: The name "Baby" Bare is a familial term of endearment, and in no way suggests the actual age of Baby Bare. He is certainly NOT less than 16 years of age; in fact, it's highly likely that he is actually in his mid-thirties, but lost his job in the recession, necessitating his return to the home of his parents, where he has absolutely no privacy in which to masturbate, and where he often hears his parents fucking like animals. But that's ANOTHER story.***
  19. BlackRonin

    BlackRonin Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Actually, that's not half bad.


  20. snowleopard3200

    snowleopard3200 Guardian of the Snow

    Jan 15, 2008
    Personally, I'm glad the CAW is here.

    It means I can focus on important matters and leave the joy of sword-crossing (via words and not literal sword-crossing) in the General Discussion. The story area has much more interesting and fulfilling discussions. Plus ones that make much more sense.