Danica McKellar in a Bikini of the Day


If you are old as fuck, then Danica McKellar is probably jailbait you used to jerk off to, because you watched and related to some bullshit storyline of a kid in the 60s going through the same shit your suburban ass was going through in the 80s…like wanting to get this one drunk so that he could date rape her in the woods, but his damn brother kept getting in the damn way…or maybe it was Marilyn Manson…I don’t fucking remember, I just remember liking the blonde girl on the show better…

Well, this one is 41…and looking good….for 41….in a bikini selfie pandering to her fans…that you know are creeps because you’re one of them…

Danica McKellar in a Bikini of the Day August 29th, 2016