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5 months ago
I finally found my girlfriend you are the bomb anyways this is Dana Swanson me and my buddy Aaron delatory we just had a party you still have them or 657-307-8805 we're going over to his pad having to beach only we've had 45 50 parties in the last of 10 years ago look us up with your lookup service okay it's free and free surf okay unlimited for the women on The dating so that's okay just call Aaron say you're my girlfriend you're the best honey anyways it's easy Sneezy tell him you're my girlfriend can I expect you a girlfriend okay you get 350 items per company ship next to air to you okay immediately okay you pass 100% to be my girlfriend obviously getting my name is Dana Kirk Swanson we both graduated at his high school 31 years ago that's Huntington Beach only our party's 15 in the last 10 years okay you can find with your lookup service get it right now we're downtown Dayton Beach on main Street and olive
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