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Last Activity:
Aug 1, 2013
Nov 11, 2009
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I am not here


TheNouZ's girl, Female, from I am not here

Babyangel was last seen:
Aug 1, 2013
    1. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      I slip my hand up your back, lightly grasping the back of your neck, and as my other hand slides down cupping your labia, lightly pressing my middle finger against your clitoris I ask with a smile, "You want who to rub your kitty sweetness?"
    2. yagamilight
      :) indeed

      don't tell me you're all alone in that bed, what a travesty that would be! Pretty much the same here, except I can't lay in bed and be on the computer :( xx
    3. yagamilight
      ah I see, maybe I should stop signing out as well! Went through a massive period of having no friends online ever, its nice just to see a little plus next to a name on the list :). How are you tonight dear? xx
    4. yagamilight
      oh babyangel, my kinky little darling. What a pleasure it is to have a friend who is nearly always online! xx
    5. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      I continue massaging your ass with one hand whilst rubbing a little more firmly on your smooth pubic mound.
      "Say it." I urge gently, kissing your head, careful to keep my fingers just above your vagina. "Tell daddy what you want my little angel."
    6. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      I look into your eyes, and then lean down, kissing you softly, and sweetly on the mouth, before sliding my hand down your tummy, delicately rubbing your bald pubic mound, and whispering in your ear, "Do you want daddy to rub your little kitty? It's okay baby, you can tell me."
    7. innocentoutlaw
      no problem i will print and cumm just for you babe then send you pics of the results
    8. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      I take your trembling hand in mine, gently kiss it, and then place it on my cheek, whispering, "And you know daddy would never do anything to hurt his sweet little angel, don't you baby?"
    9. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      "Oh-ho baby." I chuckle softly, then slide my hand down your waist, gently massaging your buttocks.
      "You don't have to be so bashful. You know daddy just wants to make his little angel feel good, right sweetie?"
    10. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      I gently place your hand on my hard cock.
      "Do you feel that baby?" I coo softly. "That means you make daddy feel really happy."
    11. innocentoutlaw
      would love to see more of you
    12. Babyangel
      [wrong page]
    13. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      "Your face feels so warm against my chest baby." I whisper, slowly rocking you back, and forth.
      "I love to play with my little girl." I kiss you on the head, then look down at you asking, "Do you like to play with daddy honey?"
    14. innocentoutlaw
      im good just killing time lol
    15. innocentoutlaw
      missing you baby
    16. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      Slides a hand up, and slowly stroking your hair whispers, "Daddy loves his baby girl so much." Squeezing you a little tighter with the other arm.
    17. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      Wraps arms around you, and pulling you in close whispering, "Oh, did daddy make his little angel blush."
      Kissing you softly on the cheek, "My sweet, bashful baby girl." (sigh)
    18. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      Mmmm, yeeeahh, my sweet little Angel, lick, and suck daddy like lollipop.
      You're such a good little girl.
    19. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      Mmmmm, you are so damn sweet, I could just eat you up.
    20. Eric the Red
      Eric the Red
      Oui, si, ja, da, hia, YES!
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  • About

    I am not here


    тheȠouɀ is my everything. I love you baby

    "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." ~Steven Weinberg​
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