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  1. NoLimits2Night

    NoLimits2Night Porn Surfer

    Oct 22, 2009
    what would you do? Anything different?
  2. oldbutalive

    oldbutalive Porno Junky

    Sep 22, 2009
    Don't understand what ur asking?
  3. hedonism96

    hedonism96 Porn Star

    Jul 22, 2008
    What do you mean what IF there were no limits? Me and mine have no limits, we are free to explore everything within our sexuality. Halleluja for that. Finally found the right person ;)
  4. catrina604

    catrina604 Porn Star

    May 2, 2009
    really no limits
  5. arlesvan

    arlesvan Porn Surfer

    Sep 26, 2009

    If two people agree on what they enjoy, there are really no limits, are there?
  6. Aryak

    Aryak Sex Lover

    Aug 23, 2009
    If there were no limits, I assume I would try to have sex in space. that would be interesting, indeed.
  7. Emily23XXX

    Emily23XXX Studette

    Oct 6, 2008
    I'm guessing there would be a bunch of pedophiles openly having sex with children and rape would be acceptable, also people having sex in public for everyone to see, and sex offender wouldn't exist. :( Doesn't sound good to me.
    It would not change my sexual activity's :)
  8. NoLimits2Night

    NoLimits2Night Porn Surfer

    Oct 22, 2009

    Thats true, but I find it hard to beleive everyone in here does ALL the things they ever have fantasy's about. If you all do, good for you. I know I have tried things well "partying" with my ex gf that I havent ever done again. I would have more group sex/ exp more if I wasnt worried about the after effect, IE catching something, messing up relationships, etc. guess thats why they call it fantasy

    im very interesting in people sexualy thoughts vs actual action. there is usually a line
  9. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    If I want to do something, I'm going to do it. I don't think in terms of "Can I do this?" anymore, because I know I can find a way to if I want to bad enough. There's plenty of ways to do things you want with consenting adults without consequences or any of that shit.
  10. deadly_dalia

    deadly_dalia Porn Star

    Nov 30, 2007
    Have sex in public :) With everyone watching. Of course, if that were so, I would also be prettier and sexier hahaha
  11. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    There are only two kinds of limits on sex...legal ones, and the ones we impose on ourselves. How we deal with the first kind is pretty much dependent on the odds of getting caught, so if there was no possibility of that, I'm sure I'd venture into that territory pretty freely.

    The other kind...well, it's just a matter of what I'm comfortable with. But if, for example, I knew there were no consequences, no risk of disease, no risk of physical or emotional harm to myself or my partner(s), I'm guessing I'd get REAL comfortable with a lot of different things. I'd be seeking out alien life forms with multiple penile tentacles. :)

    Oh, and I'd do porn. Definitely.
  12. Charles "Bad Boy" Bronson

    Charles "Bad Boy" Bronson Sex Machine

    May 13, 2009
    No limits? I guess I'd find the hottest girl on the planet, take a bunch of drugs like viagra, ecstasy and who knows what all else and do a bunch of sick and twisted shit to her. Isn't that what you do?
  13. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    It's kind of like that movie "Groundhog Day". Once Bill Murray realized that he couldn't get out of the loop, even by dying, he was free -- he could try ANYTHING, and keep practicing until he got it right. The idea has a certain appeal. :)
  14. SOOD717

    SOOD717 Sex Machine

    Sep 10, 2007
    I find the idea of "limits" kinda funny.

    First there are the legal ones, which are usually there for good reason (fucking a dog or a child is clearly unethical).

    And then there are your own personal limits as to what you desire sexually.
    Personally, I have no desire for a lot of things, i.e. they wouldn't bring me much pleasure. An example would be titfucking or something. To me, personally, YAWN. But that's not really a "limit" in the sense that if my partner wanted me to do it I would refuse; I would obviously oblige her for her own pleasure, no big deal.
    The more traditional definition of limits would be where it hurts me or somebody else. Pain is the exact opposite of the primary goal of sex for me, so obviously that is a limit I make even if my partner desired it, simply due to what I am and am not comfortable with.

    So which are you asking be removed? If legal limits were removed, I probably wouldn't act any differently, because most illegal activities I already have no interest in.
    If you remove my own personal limits/preferences... well that is a hard question because it's like asking "What if you had a different personality?", to which the answer is only "I suppose I'd have a different personality..."

    And then you have mathematical limits, and if you removed those, well fuck, calculus would cease to exist (kinda... PM me if you are curious about this part) and we'd be pushed back to the 15th century scientifically. And if that happened, well we probably wouldn't have computers to ask these kind of questions to large anonymous populations.


    P.S. 500th post. How fun.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2009
  15. Ryno657

    Ryno657 Sex Lover

    Nov 15, 2006
    Perfectly stated. There are no personal limits in my relationship, everything goes, but if it is illegal then its a no go.
  16. tim929

    tim929 Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2009
    I want sex in a weightless environment...with lots of cheerleaders...can I get fries with that order?
  17. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    Being eaten for dinner would be of secondary concern for many animals.
    "Quiet with that zipper boy, you'll spook them sheep."

    The questions your kids asked during a trip to the park would become more difficult to answer. "Mommy, why are those two men wrestling naked?"

    The sticky floors and crusty seat cushions in the theatre won't necessarily be from spilled drinks or butter popcorn.

    Pimps would become obsolete and "Customer Service" could bring on new meaning for businesses trying to make an extra buck.

    Sales of candy and trenchcoats would skyrocket.

    Men could really be dogs, sniff and mount. Women could be cougars openly, robbing cradles with polished claws.

    If you can imagine it...sexual anarchy!
  18. oldbutalive

    oldbutalive Porno Junky

    Sep 22, 2009
    Many of us..me included live b self imposed limits. Some things I won't do simply because they won't rest with my conscience.
    Self imposed limits usually coinside with the legal limits placed by society.
    having aid that there are those societal limits that we don't subscribe to and guess what? People break those every day.
    The most important limits are the self imposed ones. Those we don't exceed.
  19. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005

    Well....unless the right opportunity came along...and the guy was really hot. :)
  20. the fox

    the fox A Feisty little Animal

    Oct 19, 2006
    im glad there are limets