Putin was sworn in for a fifth term – 2024-05-10 20:02:11

Putin was sworn in for a fifth term
 – 2024-05-10 20:02:11

Vladimir Putin was sworn in today for a new six-year term as his country’s president, in a ceremony boycotted by the US and many European Union countries because of the war in Ukraine.

What Putin said at the inauguration

“I swear (…) to respect and protect the rights and liberties of man and citizen, to respect and protect the Constitution, national sovereignty, independence, security and integrity of the government”, declared in his oath Putinaccording to an AFP correspondent at the scene.

According to iefimerida, Putin won a landslide victory in March’s presidential election, more than two years following sending tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine.

Some Western governments have said his re-election was problematic because voters were not given a real alternative, a charge rejected by Moscow, which counters that Putin enjoys strong support from the Russian people.

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